Although Paxil commonly affects the heart and lungs of neonates, problems with the digestive tract may also occur. Non-fusion of the body’s natural structures that form before birth creates a fissure or opening called a cleft. Cleft lip occurs when the upper lip fails to close creating 2 vertical splits. Cleft palate, on the other hand, is a split or opening in the roof of the mouth (palate), which may affect the soft or hard part. There are alternatives to Paxil considered by health care providers, especially with the current study results linking Paxil and several birth defects.
A baby may have both cleft lip and palate or just one. In most cases, cause of the condition is not known. Clefts are caused by environmental conditions and genetics combined, as what most scientist believed. Experts also consider exposure to viruses and chemicals during pregnancy as a probable cause. Medications, such as antidepressants, taken by mother during pregnancy may have also caused the cleft. As shown in recent studies, use of antidepressants like Paxil during the 1st trimester of pregnancy will increase the possibility of having a child born with a cleft lip or cleft palate.
Clefts are normally diagnosed at birth when the baby is examined physically. However, with the aid of advance technology, diagnosing a cleft while the baby is still inside the uterus is now possible. Diagnosis and treatment of cleft lip and palate is important so that dental problems and feeding difficulties will be avoided. Another problem that may arise from the condition is ear infections, which, if not treated can progress to hearing loss. The voices of the kids with the condition may seem hard to understand because they sound like they are speaking through their nose. Self confidence and social participation will be affected by the kids’ physical appearance and health condition.
Cleft lip and cleft palate requires a highly individualized treatment to correct it, which may take years to complete. The child may go through multiple surgeries at different stages of his development for optimum results to be achieved. Pregnant women are encouraged to visit a health care provider first before starting on Paxil so that birth defects will be prevented. Studies on cleft lip and palate and other Paxil birth defects are being done to validate the association of Paxil with these malformations.
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